Mobile/PWA/Hybrid Application Development

Mobile/PWA/Hybrid Application Development

Kotlin is an OSS programming language for the JVM, Android and for JavaScript environments. It is a statically-typed language with syntax compatible with Java, but it has many

Flutter is an in-demand UI toolkit from Google. We can use Mobile/PWA/Hybrid Application Development process to build native Android, iOS and Windows applications from a single codebase.

Meteor is a JavaScript web framework written in Node.js for building applications for the web, iOS, Android and desktop. Meteor integrates well with React, Vue.js, AngularJS, MongoDB, npm and Cordova

Swift is a safe, fast, and interactive programming language developed by Apple Inc. and the open-source community. With Swift at your fingertips, you’ll make your software more reliable and save a ton of time! It supports both procedural programming as well as object-oriented programming (OOP).
Android is the most popular operating system for mobile devices. Android SDK is largely use by mobile app developers. Kotlin and Flutter are also being used for developing mobile applications.
iOS is the proprietary operating system that drives Apple devices. Developers use programming languages like Swift or Objective C to develop iOS applications that can be uploaded to Apple Store.