
LoreMine Technologies is a well-known MeteorJS development company in Kochi, India, that specialises in web and mobile app development. Our MeteorJS engineers are ready to help you build products that are faster, bug-free, and also cross-platform compatible.

Meteor is an open-source JavaScript web framework. It is a full-stack solution for developing web and mobile applications. MeteorJS provides a complete stack for building web as well as mobile applications with JavaScript on the front end, and a Node.js server on the back end to handle data storage and serve content over HTTP. Meteor also integrates with MongoDB databases. These databases are using to store data locally on the device or remotely on Cloud, Galaxy and also Atlas Servers.

MeteorJS has become the primary choice for current developers. It is due to its outstanding features for building applications, ease of learning, and also extensive documentation. The following are the primary characteristics:

  • Hot code reloads, automated CSS & JS minification, and reactive templates are just a few of the built-in features of Meteor.
  • Because the app is written in JavaScript, it may be used on both the client as well as server sides.
  • With Meteor and Cordova, you can turn an online application into a smartphone app.
  • It offers a powerful cloud platform called ‘Galaxy,’ which is ideal for deploying and also monitoring client applications.
  • When any changes in a database’s data are made, it immediately updates the database.

Only a few developers and companies realise the full potential of MeteorJS development. Those who do reap significant rewards. It's ideal for building fully effective cross-platform web applications for both Android and iOS. Mazda, Plutio, WorldLabs, Knotel, SelfLeaders, Phenix, and others are among the firms that support and use Meteor.

All you need to provide to get started are the needs and objectives. LoreMine Technologies follows a pre-determined approach for the project of your choosing that is simple to grasp and ensures a stunning success of your website or app.


Meteor JS is an extremely powerful JavaScript toolkit for transparent reactive programming. Any changes to your data automatically reflects throughout the programme, including the user interface, without the need for call-backs. The real time data binding is suitable for applications that requires real time response.

LoreMine Technologies is a well-known Meteor JS Development firm that is known for addressing modern business demands and offering best-in-class solutions at a reasonable cost all over the world. We’ll provide you a superb iOS, Android, and web app experience that loads on demand.
There isn’t a simple answer to this question. The cost of hiring a Meteor JS developer is determined by a variety of criteria, including the development platform, the design complexity, the number of pages, features and services, and the cost of maintenance.
Depending on the scope of the project and the designs, the time it takes to construct a web application can range from hours to months.

Are you are looking for a reliable Meteor JS development company?